The Michael Brill Fund

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President of BOSTI Associates, Dr. Weidemann is an environmental psychologist who, for the past 25 years, has studied the relationships between people and the places and spaces they use. Her work quantifies and measures the effects of workplace design upon the satisfaction and productivity of office workers.

As Research Director since 1994, Dr. Weidemann has developed BOSTI's qualitative and quantitative data-gathering methods, and has supervised data collection and interpretation. The resulting analyses lead directly to development of concepts which are incorporated, through collaborative work with designers, into facilities design and planning. She also collects data across a wide variety of projects and client situations to create and maintain a large experiential database (now containing data from 22,000 workers in many industries) for use in BOSTI Associates' research, as well as to provide information about "comparables" to clients.

Dr. Weidemann has taught research-based decision-making to Design and Planning students for 25 years, having spent most of her academic life as a Professor at the University of Illinois. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 articles, book chapters, and reports. In addition, six of her projects have received eight national awards or recognition for applied research. She now is a Visiting Professor at the University at Buffalo (SUNY), in the Department of Architecture.

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